Well-suited applications are those where higher torque is required. In most cases, our motors are used where gearing was previously required. If size and weight are also critical, the importance of the motor technology is greater still. Gearing also generally causes some sort of backlash or a spring-like effect, makes noise, has a limited life, and in most cases, requires lubrication. Directly driving a load removes these from consideration. Another important factor may be higher system efficiency. The Elemental Motor will provide high continuous torque at high efficiency.

Some applications are:
Electrification Replacing hydraulics with electrical actuators
Mobility eBikes, scooters, smaller vehicles of all sorts benefit a great deal from The Elemental Motor's lightweight, high torque, and high efficiency
Larger Drones The Elemental Motor's high torque and lightweight allow larger and more efficient thrust generation while at the same time allowing slow speeds for quieter propellers
Smaller manned aircraft, as with the drone applications, The Elemental Motor's high torque and lightweight allow larger and more efficient thrust generation, while at the same time allowing slow speeds for quieter propellers
Mobile robotics The Elemental Motor's high torque allows for directly driving loads that previously required gears
Note - stationary robotics are exclusively licensed and produced for an important existing customer
AGV robotic vehicles The Elemental Motor's high torque allows for directly driving loads that previously required gears
Wheel motors Whether replacing gears or reducing weight and improving efficiency, The Elemental Motor strongly improves wheel motor applications
Automation (general) The Elemental Motor's high torque allows for directly driving loads that previously required gears
Direct Drives for machines The Elemental Motor's toque may shrink the space and increase the capability of machine designs. Because it generally replaces gearing, many other improvements may also be of interest. Not only no maintenance, lower noise, higher power/productivity/capability, less heat, and higher efficiency; but lack of gears also generally dramatically decrease reflected inertia (stored energy as a flywheel) so safety and control are improved
Larger fans The Elemental Motor's high torque allows for directly driving loads that previously required gears-- this also reduces noise and improves efficiency
Collaborative Robot
Note: Stationary Robotics are exclusively licensed
Automated Armature Production of
Patented Elemental Motor Technology
Automated In-House
Manufacturing Machines